Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Let’s walk mate. Let’s walk till we get tired. Let us walk together until the pain in our feet far exceeds the one which we create for ourselves daily. Let’s walk till the cacophony seems to be a distant sound indistinguishable from music. Let’s walk straight and let’s walk till we con people around us, to call us crazy. Let’s walk not to con them but to give them that pleasure of mocking us. Let’s walk to laugh on ourselves, until we empty all our emotions in the laughter. Let’s walk until we are the only recipient of our laughter and let’s walk until the cry of pain dissolves into the laughter. Let’s walk for that anger, not in disrespect to it but in awe of its power to take control, until it gets mixed with joy. Lets walk so that we are together and yet on our own. Let’s walk for our liberation, mutual yet independent.

In memory of one of the most memorable walk with Chandra.


Akanksha said...

Flawless ..... !!

Anonymous said...

No comments. Perfect.