Thursday, September 25, 2008

Comp Katha

And finally the day had arrived. Yes the day on which all the apprehensions were to be answered. The day of “truth”.  Finally atul’s computer was on its way to gt-hostel  from courier office. Only he knew the pain of waiting. I was given opportunity to carry the unassembled babe to room 139. They were 4 brown boxes of varying size having so many things from HD movies, to infinite songs and all the fond memories. With all the excitement he, like a king proud with some new honour announces some benefits to his subjects, “temporarily” announced the donation of his altec lansing speakers to me. Wow I said. They were immediately put to use with full bass and treble.

My winamp had completed its 5th song, when first news came. The moniter had a crack in it and later we realized that the crack went through the an IC due to which it was irreparable. That came as a shock but anyways you got to stay optimistic . Basant’s comp wasn’t working, so moniter was arranged. Also it was realized that the speaker cord was missing (to my agony), so it was my first and last playlist on altec lansing. Then came one more news, more like  “breaking news” of news channels and atul, much like confident Police team of aarushi murder case was very sure of the cause of CPU failure. The “confidence” which I posses daily had somehow taken hold of atul today.  We immediately went to computer peripherals shop and there the CPU was declared “brought dead” with some motherboard failure.

So atul, being very fond of movies followed a line from Shawshank redemption, “remember Red, Hope is a good thing, probably the best thing and no good thing ever dies”. He came back and brought his external hard disk to transfer data to my comp, I dunno why but may be he had some idea. To his utmost dismay the xternal HD wasn’t functioning. Now there were some signs of disappointment which were like Joey saying “Oh god, why ur doing this to us”. The frustration which he was resisting whole day took charge. I sympathized as much as possible but it looked much funnier to me. He took of his comp’s HD and took both the HD for casing and came back victorious.

This all started at about 2 in afternoon and by 6 in evening the computer about  which atul was boastful for the lowest courier charges of just 200 bucks was now a piece of rumble which couldn’t even fetch that courier amount. We observed 2 min silence in the memory of the dead comp so that its soul may rest in peace.  Later that evening thr was a party in which atul(and me) boozed, may be to forget the pain, of altec lansing in my case. May god bestow vanity upon him!!



Anonymous said...

funny man...really funny...r u inspired by P.G Wodehouse
U knw i suddenly realised that if we see life from a funny angle (like d one given by ur post), thngs will b easy on us n our mind.
Remember Murphy's law : If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong.

Unknown said...

you are growing up as a story teller...enjoyed the post !!